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The Free & Open Source Image Editor

Gimp Lisanet Definition

This is the official website of the GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP).

GIMP is a cross-platform image editor available for GNU/Linux, OS X, Windows and more operating systems. It is free software, you can change its source code and distribute your changes.

Whether you are a graphic designer, photographer, illustrator, or scientist, GIMP provides you with sophisticated tools to get your job done. You can further enhance your productivity with GIMP thanks to many customization options and 3rd party plugins.

'GIMP On OS X' was a separate project of GIMP, headed by an independent developer with the avatar 'Lisanet', who created custom builds of GIMP from the official release. These custom GIMP On OS X builds had additional features and some mods in the menu structure to make easier for users who used Photoshop.

There are no official GIMP builds for Mac, but there are different inofficial sources. We recommend because you can find packages there which have satisified many users. Builds are available for: Snow Leopard & Lion. I tried switching Gimp to Single-Window, and that helped once in's version. But after I re-opened Gimp, all I see is this now (even if I toggle it on and off): Thanks for the help. In the menu, click help, and then procedure browser. In the procedure browser search for 'file-ps-load'. If it's not listed, Gimp won't open ps or eps files. My version of Gimp doesn't have this. But I haven't tried downloading the current version, maybe the current version has this enabled. Rain Gutter POWER #2 - 3D Printed Alternator vs. DC Generator for More POWER From the Rain! - Duration: 14:01. Quint BUILDs Recommended for you.

Recent News

🎄 Development release GIMP 2.99.4 is out 🎁2020-12-25
This is 252020-11-21

High Quality Photo Manipulation

GIMP provides the tools needed for high quality image manipulation. From retouching to restoring to creative composites, the only limit is your imagination.

Original Artwork Creation

GIMP gives artists the power and flexibility to transform images into truly unique creations.

Graphic Design Elements

GIMP is used for producing icons, graphical design elements, and art for user interface components and mockups.

Programming Algorithms

GIMP is a high quality framework for scripted image manipulation, with multi-language support such as C, C++, Perl, Python, Scheme, and more!

Key Component in a Desktop Publishing Workflow

Gimp Lisanet De

GIMP provides top-notch color management features to ensure high-fidelity color reproduction across digital and printed media. It is best used in workflows involving other free software such as Scribus, Inkscape, and SwatchBooker.

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Extensibility & Flexibility

GIMP provides extensibility through integration with many programming languages including Scheme, Python, Perl, and more. Make a movie presentation.

The result is a high level of customization as demonstrated by the large number of scripts and plug-ins created by the community.

Header image: Niagara Rainbow by Ville Pätsi (cba)

High Quality Photo Manipulation background image by Pat David (cba) Windows 7 activation period expired crack.

Original Artwork Creation background image by David Revoy (cb)

Graphic Design Elements background image by Ollin Bohan (cba)

Notepad plus linux. Simone Karin Lehmann maintains an OSX release, which is basically a mini-fork since it includes several patches to GIMP.

We had a quick check with Mitch and saw that many are outdated with current code. For instance some about a switch to Carbon->Cocoa platforms already in our code tree, or others obsoleted by our menu replacement. Others seem to make sense like the 'color display change'.

This is a working page for GIMP developers to go through the list and decide what we want to integrate and what we want to leave out.

1/ $ svn checkout svn:// gimponosx-code

Gimp Lisanet Default

2/ $ cd gimponosx-code/GimpPorts/ports/graphics/gimp2/files/

3/ Check the patches and update the below lists to keep or not. For instance, if you reviewed a patch and it is not good for us, you can leave a '[exclude]' next to it. If we want to keep it but it needs work, add '[need work]', and so on.

4/ I set up a Bugzilla report. When a patch seems good, make a `git format-patch` and upload it there for review if needed. :-)We can close this report when all the patches of the list will have been either applied in our tree or discarded. :-)

List of Patches

patch comment merge status
app-actions-dialogs-actions.c.diffAnswer: Yes, change to 'About GIMP'.

The specs supersede what other programs do.

The OS X human interface guidelines, Windows human interface guidelines provide for 'About GIMP'. The GNOME human interface guidelines uses only 'About'. Ubuntu 16 04 iso. More human interface guidelines are listed at Wikipedia.

Peter Sikking advices in a blog posting about cross-platform development to use the platform specific specs.

merged; please test on Windows
app-actions-file-actions.c.diff Add 'file-hide' ('H') and 'file-hide-others' ('H') actions. Are they common OSX actions?
app-actions-file-commands.c.diff The code (OSX specific, apparently using Cocoa headers) for the new 'file-hide' and 'file-hide-others' actions.
app-actions-file-commands.h.diff Headers for the new 'file-hide' and 'file-hide-others' actions Adding a '-xobjective-c' flag by default, thus specifying all files are Objective-C, even when not necessary. Do we want this for OSX? are generated. See the patch. discarded
app-actions-plug-in-actions.c.diff Change 'Repeat Last' action's shortcut from 'F' to 'F' and 'Re-show Last' from 'F' to 'F'. Are they shortcuts which make more sense on an OSX platform maybe? No idea. In any case, if we decide to change the fullscreen default shortcut, we will indeed also want to change the repat shortcuts for OSX specifically.
app-actions-view-actions.c.diff Changing Fullscreen actions from default F11 to 'F' shortcut. According to Wikipedia, whereas F11 is the standard on every other platform, '⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+F' seems to be the standard on OSX. Is equivalent to Cmd+Shift when on OSX?
app-config-gimpcoreconfig.c.diff Some code relative to the save-xcf-only config added on this fork. discarded
app-config-gimpcoreconfig.h.diff Some code relative to the save-xcf-only config added on this fork. discarded
app-config-gimpdisplayconfig.c.diff Changing DEFAULT_MARCHING_ANTS_SPEED from 200 to 600. Is the current default too slow?
app-config-gimpguiconfig.c.diff Modifies default values of 'dock-window-hint' and 'toolbox-window-hint' properties from GIMP_WINDOW_HINT_UTILITY to GIMP_WINDOW_HINT_NORMAL.
app-config-gimprc-blurbs.h.diff Blurb for the save/export changes: 'Uncheck to allow all image formats to be saved via the 'File - Save' menu entry' discarded
app-core-gimpimage.c.diff Code relative to the save/export changes. discarded
app-core-gimpimage.h.diff Code relative to the save/export changes. discarded
app-core-gimp-user-install.c.diff Ah! This one looks interesting. It adds some migration code for the config in ~/Library/GIMP (apparently 2.8.2) to /Library/Application Support/GIMP (since 2.8.4). Code checked and does some bad things (like moving config folder of older versions!) so I basically rewrote it fully. Commit 7ef45be8902a4b7403d1d1736ca4f7c95b6449a8 merged
app-dialogs-preferences-dialog.c.diff Commit 308efbb51401ef2a1032619c335e56150587f227help browser change merged, rest discarded
app-file-file-open.c.diff Disable some check which looks for a 'icc-profile' parasite on our image. Something to look into why she did this?
app-file-file-save.c.diff Some code related to the save/export changes. discarded
app-gui-gui.c.diff Looks like some kind of menu grouping change. I guess someone with OSX platform knowledge will know better what it is. Edit: appears it was already merged: commit e56344294c90e1ba97de5c134b50c4c522f0808f merged
app-gui-gui-unique.c.diff Looks interesting, though I guess some OSX dev would need to look closer. Apparently some desktop integration. I copy-paste an in-code comment:

Edit: looks like it may have been handled in commit e56344294c90e1ba97de5c134b50c4c522f0808f? There is definitely some changes on app/gui/gui-unique.c with some similarities (but also many differences). Is it the same feature change? commit e56344294c90e1ba97de5c134b50c4c522f0808f merged are generated. See the patch. discarded commit e56344294c90e1ba97de5c134b50c4c522f0808f merged are generated. See the patch. discarded
app-menus-menus.c.diff 'Print' is now always set to CMD+P (under some circumstances this could be 'P' in the past).

To be examined in more detail. A quick comparison with Claytons 2.8.10 build showed no differences.

app-widgets-gimphelp.c.diff Some change in the help browser apparently, and apparently better integration to OSX locales, or something. Copy-paste from code: Adding a '-xobjective-c' flag by default, thus specifying all files are Objective-C, even when not necessary. Do we want this for OSX? are generated. See the patch. discarded Commit e56344294c90e1ba97de5c134b50c4c522f0808f (note: the fork uses gtk-mac-integration version 2.0.0 and over, whereas we use 1.0.1 and over though. Moreover it seems it also uses a patched version of gtkosxapplication whereas we use obviously the upstream version). merged
configure.diff configure is generated. See the patch. discarded
etc-gimprc.diff Add a config option to allow to save in any format. discarded
gimpguiconfig.c.diff older version of app-config-gimpguiconfig.c.diff. discarded
lcms.c.diff See plug-ins-common-lcms.c.diff (duplicate). discarded
libgimpbase-gimpenv.c.diff Just does this change:

Winzip full mac. -#include +#import Not sure why is that.

libgimp-gimpui.c.diff Removes a signal handling on 'show' for a window that is made transient. Not sure what this signal handling was supposed to do ([NSApp arrangeInFront: nil] -> pushing it to the top of window layers?). Commit 0b56aa0d133a9743dca74701a54f21cf9c609f7d merged are generated. See the patch. discarded
libgimpthumb-gimp-thumbnail-list.c.diff Add support for Freedesktop's Thumbnail standard to this file. We already added support to another file as of bug 646644. It seems we may have forgotten a part of the code. :-)

Nas software download. I opened bug 719830 for this, with a patch based on our existing core code.

libgimpthumb-gimpthumb-utils.c.diff Just does this change:

-#include +#import Not sure why is that.

libgimpwidgets-gimpdialog.c.diff Position a dialog at display center as default. Commit 0b56aa0d133a9743dca74701a54f21cf9c609f7d then implementation changed with 9e5ed1e70acfef7a488982ae42ea08c32e18a52d. merged Adding a '-xobjective-c' flag by default, thus specifying all files are Objective-C, even when not necessary. Do we want this for OSX? Same as with fixed tabulation. discarded are generated. See the patch. discarded This patch tries to disable gtk-doc on a `distcheck` target. discarded
modules-display-filter-lcms.c.diff Looks interesting. If nothing else because it seems this piece of code has been forgotten and is still using Carbon on our master (at least there is a remaining Carbon.h include)! Adding a '-xobjective-c' flag by default, thus specifying all files are Objective-C, even when not necessary. Do we want this for OSX? are generated. See the patch. discarded
plug-ins-common-file-ps.c.diff Communicate with Ghostscript asynchronously.
plug-ins-common-file-tiff-load.c.diff See comment on plug-ins-file-jpeg-jpeg.c.diff. discarded
plug-ins-common-file-tiff-save.c.diff See comment on plug-ins-file-jpeg-jpeg.c.diff. discarded
plug-ins-common-lcms.c.diff The lcms plug-in is gone in master. discarded
plug-ins-common-web-browser.c.diff Commit 308efbb51401ef2a1032619c335e56150587f227 - Should be merged upstream. merged
plug-ins-file-jpeg-jpeg.c.diff Try to load and save back metadata (saved in a temporary empty jpeg image) by running the external command exiftool through system()! I don't think we want this, first because we have a new metadata system in master, second because that's a terrible design for just so many reasons! discarded
plugins-filejpeg-jpeg.c.diff Exactly same as plug-ins-file-jpeg-jpeg.c.diff discarded
plug-ins-help-gimphelplocale.c.diff Use OS X specific implementation. Adding a '-xobjective-c' flag by default, thus specifying all files are Objective-C, even when not necessary. Do we want this for OSX? are generated. See the patch. discarded Commit 83de53ee4de56c41694b7196345586e8f6578d23 merged are generated. See the patch. discarded
plug-ins-script-fu-script-fu-interface.c.diff Some changes about script-fu dialog hiding/showing, or something? Better a OSX dev check this. Only 3 small changes, fast to check.

Note: apparently it modifies further commit 83de53ee4de56c41694b7196345586e8f6578d23 by Mitch (which was already coming from a patch from Simone originally!).

po-de.po.diffAnswer: Yes, 'Über GIMP' is the proper translation. for Windows and OS X, for GNOME it is 'Info'. merged w/o the 'Force to save in XCF format' translation
save-export-conf-patch.diff Code for the save/export changes. discarded
save-export-patch.diff I don't think anyone has actually checked the save/export patches, but there are some written specs. If this is up to date with the patch, basically it allows to 'save' images into non-XCF format if and only if the image has just

one layers. The current opinion is that this feels like 'unpredictable magic'. It would likely feel like really inconsistent to a user (some times you can 'save' to non-XCF, sometimes no).

tools-gimptool.c.diff Deprecated. Changes something we already changed (GIMP directory) both in master and gimp-2-8 in OSX case. discarded
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